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Take from Caesar that which is not Caesar's -
Question all you've been told.  / / YouTube  / FREE LEGAL ADVICE - DO NOT DO THIS! or THIS (1) - (2) - (3)!

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Every judge is as corrupt as the day is long, America has no courts! Ask Mark Levin about it / Again

This is your only proof that the courts belong to the IRS!

STOP / THINK: This site is an extension of the work at - - and all of the YouTube content leading up to and including this July 2018 video tutorial. It is abundantly clear that the DOJ Tax Division and the IRS know that tax enforcement violates the law in precisely the ways alleged in the April 2018 briefs on the 7th Circuit.

Question all you've been told, confront the authorities -

THIS SITE will highlight certain aspects of the law that seem to operate against the agency staff and the courts who stand as a barricade, blocking any and all discussion of key and controlling provisions by imposing upon taxpayers and litigants enormous monetary sanctions for "frivolity."

IRS Frivolous Arguments List 2007 - 2013 - 2018


You pay because of the judges, not because of the law!

ALSO, this site seeks to demonstrate how the criminal code is very often the appropriate law to consider when government does something you don't like. The filing of criminal complaints by citizens is simply a necessary skill for anyone seeking to put a leash on official intrusion into daily life. Instruction and materials available at are without peers.

JOIN the tax congressional criminal complaint.

"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax."

Albert Einstein

"What's the big deal? Been there, done that."
- David R. Myrland (1994)


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State Income Taxation

Play Offense


"Outside areas of plainly harmful conduct, every American is left to shape his own life as he thinks best, do what he pleases, go where he pleases." See Kent v. Dulles, 357 US 116, 126 (1957), quoting Edwards v. California, 314 US 160, 197 (1941).

“Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” Winston S. Churchill


          Gov't "expert witness" gives his take on Code Breaker; The § 83 Equation (by David R. Myrland) in US v. Boggs, #3:22-221 in USDC South Carolina (Col. Division, October 2022) in tax evasion criminal trial, the Government presented the testimony of a tax attorney, Arthur F. McLean, as an expert witness over the objection of the defense. Mr. McLean testified that, based upon his training and experience, Section 83 did not apply. Mr. McLean was recalled in Reply, again over the defense’s objection. In Reply, Mr. McLean testified regarding the Code Breaker book and indicated that in his opinion, the book was based upon a fault premise, that labor is property.” See Trial Transcript, p.365, ll. 11-24. “[O]nce you begin with that false premise somehow that labor is property, it enables the author to skew lots of code sections, to make it sound like people don’t have to pay income tax when they get money for labor.” Id. On cross examination, Mr. McLean affirmed that “everything you heard [Boggs] talk about is based in this book.” Id., p.367, ll. 7-10."

False premise? Is Labor property?

          In Butcher's Union Co. v. Crescent City Co., 111 US 746, 757 (1883) the US Supreme Court stated, ""Among these inalienable rights, as proclaimed in that document, is the right of men to pursue their happiness, by which is meant the right to pursue any lawful business or vocation, in any manner not inconsistent with the equal rights of others, which may increase their prosperity or develop their faculties, so as to give their highest enjoyment."
          "The common business and callings of life, the ordinary trades and pursuits, which are innocuous in themselves, and have been followed in all communities from time immemorial, must, therefore, be free in this country to all alike upon the same conditions. The right to pursue them, without let or hindrance, except that which is applied to all persons of the same age, sex, condition, is a distinguished privilege of citizens of the United States, and an essential element of that freedom which they claim as their birthright."
          "It has been well said that, "The property which every man has is his own labor, as it is the original foundation of all other property, so it is the most sacred and inviolable. The patrimony of the poor man lies in the strength and dexterity of his own hands, and to hinder his employing this strength and dexterity in what manner he thinks proper, without injury to his neighbor, is a plain violation of the most sacred property."

          In Coppage v. Kansas, 236 US 1, 14 (1915) the US Supreme Court stated, "Included in the right of personal liberty and the right of private property, partaking of the nature of each is the right to make contracts for the acquisition of property. Chief among such contracts is that of personal employment, by which labor and other services are exchanged for money or other forms of property."

          Black's Law Dictionary 4th Ed., "PROPERTY. That which is peculiar or proper to any person; that which belongs exclusively to one; in the strict legal sense, an aggregate of rights which are guaranteed and protected by the government. Fulton Light, Heat & Power Co. v. State, 65 Misc.Rep. 263, 121 N.Y.S. 536. The term is said to extend to every species of valuable right and interest. McAlister v. Pritchard, 230 S.W. 66, 67, 287 Mo. 494. More specifically, ownership; the unrestricted and exclusive right to a thing; the right to dispose of a thing in every legal way, to possess it, to use it, and to exclude every one else from interfering with it. Mackeld. Rom. Law, § 265. That dominion or indefinite right of use or disposition which one may lawfully exercise over particular things or subjects. Transcontinental Oil Co. v. Emmerson, 298 Ill. 394, 131 N.E. 645, 647, 16 A.L.R. 507. The exclusive right of possessing, enjoying, and disposing of a thing. Barnes v. Jones, 139 Miss. 675, 103 So. 773, 775, 43 A.L.R. 673; Tatum Bros. Real Estate & Investment Co. v. Watson, 92 Fla. 278, 109 So. 623, 626. The highest right a man can have to anything; being used for that right which one has to lands or tenements, goods or chattels, which no way depends on another man's courtesy. Jackson ex dem. Pearson v. Housel, 17 Johns. 281, 283."

Who are you going to believe? When did Labor go from being the most sacred and inviolable property of man, to not being property at all?


"I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history, naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry, and porcelain."

John Adams

“Always inspired by your powerful contributions @Beyonce. You are a role model for us
all. Thank you for investing in our girls.”



See Radio Corporation of America, et al. v. United States et al., 341 US 412, 425-427 (1951):

          "One of the more important sources of the retardation or regression of civilization is man's tendency to use new inventions indiscriminately or too hurriedly without adequate reflection of long-range consequences. No doubt the radio enlarges man's horizon. But by making him a captive listener it may make for spiritual impoverishment. Indiscriminate use of the radio denies him the opportunities for reflection and for satisfying those needs of withdrawal of which silent prayer is only one manifestation. It is an uncritical assumption that every form of reporting or communication is equally adaptable to every situation. Thus, there may be a mode of what is called reporting which may defeat the pursuit of justice.
          Doubtless, television may find a place among the devices of education; but much long-headed thought and patient experimentation are demanded lest uncritical use may lead to hasty jettisoning of hard-won gains of civilization. The rational process of trial and error implies a wary use of novelty and a critical adoption of change. When a college head can seriously suggest, not by way of irony, that soon there will be no need of people being able to read-that illiteracy will be the saving of wasteful labor-one gets an idea of the possibilities of the new barbarism parading as scientific progress.
          Man forgets at terrible cost that the environment in which an event is placed may powerfully determine its effect. Disclosure conveyed by the limitations and power of the camera does not convey the same things to the mind as disclosure made by the limitations and power of pen or voice. The range of presentation, the opportunities for distortion, the impact on reason, the effect on the looker-on as against the reader-hearer, vary; and the differences may be vital. Judgment may be confused instead of enlightened. Feeling may be agitated, not guided; reason deflected, not enlisted. Reason-the deliberative process-has its own requirements, met by one method and frustrated by another.[*]
          What evil would be encouraged, what good retarded by delay? By haste, would morality be enhanced, insight deepened, and judgment enlightened? Is it even economically advantageous to give governmental sanction to color television at the first practicable moment, or will it not in fact serve as an added drain on raw materials for which the national security has more exigent needs?
          Finally, we are told that the Commission's determination as to the likely prospect of early attainment of compatibility is a matter within its competence and not subject to court review. But prophecy of technological feasibility is hardly in the domain of expertness so long as scientific and technological barriers do not make the prospect fanciful. In any event, this Court is not without experience in understanding the nature of such complicated issues. We have had occasion before to consider complex scientific matters. Telephone Cases, 126 U.S. 1; McCormick v. Graham's Adm'r, 129 U.S. 1 (harvester); Corona Co. v. Dovan Corp., 276 U.S. 358 (improvement 427*427 in vulcanization of rubber); DeForest Radio Co. v. General Electric Co., 283 U.S. 664 (high-vacuum discharge tube); Radio Corporation v. Radio Engineering Laboratories, 293 U.S. 1 (audion oscillator); Marconi Wireless Co. v. United States, 320 U.S. 1 (wireless telegraphy improvement); and Universal Oil Products Co. v. Globe Oil & Rfg. Co., 322 U.S. 471 (oil cracking process).

          Experience has made it axiomatic to eschew dogmatism in predicting the impossibility of important developments in the realms of science and technology. Especially when the incentive is great, invention can rapidly upset prevailing opinions of feasibility. One may even generalize that once the deadlock in a particular field of inquiry is broken progress becomes rapid. Thus, the plastics industry developed apace after a bottleneck had been broken in the chemistry of rubbers. Once the efficacy of sulfanilamide was clearly established, competent investigators were at work experimenting with thousands of compounds, and new and better antibiotics became available in a continuous stream. A good example of the rapid change of opinion that often occurs in judgment of feasibility is furnished by the cyclotron. Only a few years ago distinguished nuclear physicists proclaimed the limits on the energy to which particles could be accelerated by the use of a cyclotron. It was suggested that 12,000,000-volt protons were the maximum obtainable. Within a year the limitations previously accepted were challenged. At the present time there are, I believe, in operation in the United States at least four cyclotrons which accelerate protons to energies of about 400,000,000 volts. One need not have the insight of a great scientific investigator, nor the rashness of the untutored, to be confident that the prognostications now made in regard to the feasibility of a "compatible" color television system will be falsified in the very near future."

See Radio Corporation of America, et al. v. United States et al., 341 US 412, 425-427 (1951).




Alleging violations of the law on the part of public servants, accusing them under relevant criminal statutes and pursuing their prosecution, has nothing to do with the movement, which is only good for theory, as it relates to income taxation. This site is about whistleblowing, about watching government and nailing it for conduct that violates the law. Until the movement learns something about the Tax Code it's unable to cause more than laughter by gov't and the tears shed by the victims of the ignroance.

The role of the judiciary in the scheme operated by the IRS and DOJ has again been exposed by the Code Breaker analysis of the Tax Code completed in late 1993 (written in early 1994 by David R. Myrland). Hard work and common sense allowed for this breakthrough understanding of the IRS and the Internal Revenue Code, and of how they differ. When the courts impose enormous sanctions for purely statutory arguments after having faced the same arguments for over 25 years, it's fair to presume the argued interpretation of relevant provisions to be correct; it's not taxation - it's extortion and racketeering.

The IRS, the DOJ, and the courts all refuse to discuss these provisions:

26 USC §§ 1, 31, 61, 83(a), 212, 879(a)(2), 1001, 1011, 1012, 1401, 1402(b), 3101, 3121(e), 3306(j), 6201, 6671(b), 7343, 7621, 7651(4)(A), and 7655;

26 CFR 1.1-1, 1.83-3(e), (f), (g), 1.83-4(b)(2), 1.1001-1(a), 1.1011-1(a), 1.1012-1(a), 1.1401-1(a), 1.1402(a)-2(a), 1.1402(b)-1(d), 31.0-2(a)(1), 31.3121(e)-1(b), 301.6201-1(a), and 602.101;

42 USC § 411(b)(2);

Social Security Act of 1935 § 211, P.L. 74-271, 49 Stat. 620 (August 14, 1935), now codified as 42 USC ch. 7;

1939 Internal Revenue Code §§ 111, 112, 113, 3640, and 3811.

Primary claims proven by these provisions:

1. Social Security has never applied to Americans.

2. Tax Code ch. 1 does not identify Americans as the subject of an income tax, so the Sec. of Treasury promulgated 26 CFR 1.1-1, a mere regulation, to identify Americans as the subjects of an income tax.

3. Under the law all property is a cost, including personal services, if you honor the language of the law. The IRS/DOJ/courts have simply chosen to exclude personal services from cost without the lawful authority to lay a tax on the value of personal services = extortion and racketeering.

It's just that easy; the hard part was the five years (only, 1988-1993) of research. You've seen how, as late as April 2018, these provisions in very specific arguments evoke only savagery from the government where access to the law (due process) should be.


From David R. Myrland:

If Tax Code § 83 screwed you the IRS would whip you to death with it, but the courts, IRS and DOJ run from it like little girls, Superman in panties. Tax Code § 83 explains how to tax the entire workforce and you can't have it - It's extortion and racketeering exactly as explained in my 2-volume Take From Caesar I & II. I can't stand one more contact that says, "You're using their codes, it gives them jurisdiction, come with me and become sui juris dejure with no contracts wiff bling bling . . . RAP is music."

IF THE MORONS IN THE MOVEMENT COULD READ they'd have learned of their destruction in 1992!!! I got this document in 1992 and have been offering it ever since, and the morons are still teaching this crap!!!

The "movement" has discovered approx. 4619 reasons (best guess) to LEARN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the law and as of 1997 it's making me sick and disgusted; downright polemical. Picture it, innumerable hordes so dumb they can't sense an opportunity for offense when you show them a law the IRS is violating; go figure. I've never seen chop sui juris put an end to an IRS criminal investigation, but as late as January 2018 my analysis was used by people to shut down investigations and to negate grand juries, using only relevant provisions of law.

THROW THE BURDEN of proof to the movement and it's exalted hero, Pete Hendrickson, who concluded that the federal income tax is lawfully owed only by those exercising a federal privilege, like employment.

Hey Pete, how did Tax Code § 83 operate in your conclusion that anyone at all owes an income tax on their pay, fees, wages, salaries, tips, or non-employee compensation?

Pete's reply is that § 83 "is gibberish." That's how Pete and the rest of them justify learning nothing about the law. A single query about a governing statute and he bails out claiming ignorance of the law, ala, ["I can't interpret gibberish or apply it to fact; buy my book."] (I'm interpreting his prowess, paraphrasing). But Pete gets results, like this man who was sentenced to 16 months for exotic tax returns filed Pete's way. I can show this right to the eye balls of "the movement" and it doesn't register that Pete is puppy barf when you compare him to an actual researcher, a jurist, to somebody who's done the work. This brick-in-the-head approach to jurisprudence and to civic duty is fatal to progress of every sort, a flat refusal to be effective or the cowardice against engaging one's public servants over lawlessness, or both. I certainly don't care which.

Find these blogs and chats and ask if anyone's even bothered to learn about the statute that "explains how property received in exchange for services is taxed." Ask around to see how many federal decisions any of them has read, ask to see memorandums they've written; can they write? Upon my 30 yrs. exposure to law and to gov't attorneys, I urge you to ignore anyone who claims to have read fewer than 3000 such decisions, but if they seek to convey any notion about the Tax Code while having no knowledge of Tax Code § 83 you'll know their opinion to be uninformed at best; run from them.

Take a hypothetical - Maybe there's a law that says your personal services are your cost, which we know would make your pay a deductible expense instead of gross income or profit. I'd never pursue a hypothetical scenario when it comes to gov't, but it's not a hypothetical, the gov't can't deny it, the professionals and hordes ignore it, while puppy barf leads the ignorant to prison. Tax Code § 83 says cost is "the value of any money or property paid" - a gift to anyone who can read and who does not like the IRS - and the slobbering hordes can't even lift an eyebrow or a pen in its direction. F-bomb. Here is an actual photograph of "The Grand Poobah of Sui Juris" -

"Pete Hendrickson is my god!"

You're looking at a defect in civic duty. I don't tell everyone they should abandon a claim they feel is valid, but I do urge everyone to prepare to lose that claim by having in-the-box arguments ready and understood to use thereafter. By starting in-the-box, with only arguments concerning the interpretation of relevant provisions, I've been able on many occasions to convince authorities to back off, and I've kept people out of prison. Why would I leave the box when statutory language destroys the IRS? Literally tens of millions of Americans who have followed my tax advice have avoided liens, levies, and prison sentences.

THIS IS FACT: Every CPA, bookkeeper, payroll expert, IRS Attorney/Agent/Officer/employee, DOJ Attorney, state Dir. of Revenue or prosecutor (civil/criminal), Tax Court judge, advocate (H&R Block, other), CEO, on and on and on . . . NONE OF THEM can tell you a word about Tax Code § 83. If they can't tell you anything about Tax Code § 83, what the Hell good are they? What the Hell can they possibly know?

I'm not telling the movement that its minions have to shut up or to go out of their business of fraud, but I'm telling it's enthusiasts that they have to tell somebody else and to spare me their tripe. I don't care what the ignorant hordes have to say about the law because they're wrong, and I'm not wasting any more of my time on them. They've found their respective asses with both hands, while in and out of prison, and it's enough for them. My students and I are having too much fun pushing servants around using ONLY the law. My analysis of the Tax Code and the IRS was completed in late 1993 and was again proven in 2018 to evoke "no comment" from authorities who have had the claims for 25+ years and have yet to put them on the frivolous arguments list. Either forget what I teach or forget the movement; we're opposites. Forty-two provisions are officially off limits; "move" on that.

David R. Myrland

P.S. On Sept. 1, 2001, 4 of 5 defendants in a civil suit brought by the State of Oregon were dismissed, which were the only gifting club members in the entire country to win after being accused of operating a pyramid promotional scheme; I handled that entire case without a single slice of sui juris. In 2001 I set up a city to violate WA's disclosure act, in 2006 I sued that city for the violation, I won a judgment for $25,055.00 (US), I got a check (cut by my attorney), and I spent the money. WA then cut the statute of limitations from five to two years to sue for RCW 42.17 violations. I never reserved rights, I never claimed any "status" under the law or Constitution, I sued as the "plaintiff," I revoked nothing, I was not sui juris, and I even spoke to the judge. All of this was done in courtrooms with gold fringed flags. I am the opposite of "the movement" in obvious ways and for obvious reasons.

All content is property of:
David R. Myrland
- All Rights Reserved -


Robert Mueller Report of April 18, 2019 / 8 USC § 1182(f) / Becraft PRA brief / Art. of Impeachment /



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jerry kane, jesse tacoronte , jim shaver, joe kane, jose olive, john benson, john harris, john henry doe, john stuart, john f worrell, john benson, jordan maxwell, jose olive, joyce rosenwald, karen tappert, karl lentz, kate of gaia, keith livingway, ken dost, ken nicholson, ken w., kevin hines, kurt kallenbach, ladiebug, lee butler, lewis hughes, liar liar, liberty dollar, liesbeth von lier, lise dupont mclain, lise from maine, loma wharton, lynn schmaltz, lysander venible, magic, marc fishman, marc stevens, marcus, margaret pullen, mary elizabeth croft, merrill frantz, MERS, mike golden, michael grady, michael james anthony, michael ellis, michael joseph, mickey paoletta, mike miller, montana freemen, mortgage fraud, mortgage scam, moving violation, my private audio, nasa steve, news, no tax man, nontaxpayer, norfed, notary complaint, notary fraud, orlando steve, pamala talliris, pandora's box, paranoid patriot, patriot, paul andrew mitchell, paul john hansen, paula gloria, paycheck piracy, PN, pete hendrickson, postal union, preditory lender, private attorney general, private audio, promissory note, proof of claim, quiet title, r lotus justice, ralph fisher, ralph winterowd, reality, redemption, redress right, remedy, rich iverson, richard fry, rights violations, robb ryder, robert fox, robert menard, robert arthur menard, robo signors, rod class, roger elvick, roger sayles, rothschilds, RPOA, sam davis, santos bonacci, secured party creditor, shaman and jc, shane buczek, shane buzcek, sir david andrew, slave, slavery, sovereign, sovereignty, SPC, SPLC, southern poverty law, stellios, steve emerson, steven hance, straw man, strawman, subject to, surety, talkshoe guide, tami pepperman, taxable income, taxpayer, taxes, the greek, the informer, the no tax man, ticket slayer, tim turner, tom smith, traffic court, traffic ticket, truth, trvth, UCC, uniform commercial code, universal postal union, UPU, vic beck, videos, violated rights, wahler case, walter burien, warberg, we are change, wesley snipes, william clark, william diehl, winston shrout, wisdom, wizard of oz , zadok israel, zeke layman